Does Bullet Club Need AEW?
So as long as the Bullet Club has been around they became the cool group for everyone to like. Basically they became a new version of NWO for the the current audience. For a really long time from 2013-2019 you couldn't go to a wrestling show of any kind without a Bullet Club t-shirt in the audience, The group as a whole was more over then anything in wrestling around 2016, when Kenny Omega became the leader and he and the Young Bucks became a subgroup of the Bullet Club called The Elite and created the YouTube show, Being The Elite, which eventually included Adam Page and Cody Rhodes as well.
Being The Elite brought the Bullet Club to new heights and and helped the group get to another level. Ring of Honor flourished as well because of the Bullet Club, and they were doing better then ever because of it. Then All In happened, All In was the catalyst for the creation of AEW. It proved that the reach of Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and Cody Rhodes was undeniable and became the the thing that ultimately resulted in the idea of AEW being a thing. The Bullet Club however is a New Japan Pro Wrestling property which means if the members of The Elite are not affiliated with ROH or NJPW anymore then they aren't a part of Bullet Club anymore. Now its arguable that the members of the The Elite became as popular as they are because of the Bullet Club.
The Elite became bigger then the Bullet Club and those members leaving hurt the Bullet Club and especially ROH. New Japan Wrestling however continued to flourish. They have enough star power to continue to be one of the best wrestling companies in the world today, because New Japan doesn't need AEW we as fans just want them to need AEW because of the Bullet Club. The Bullet Club hasn't really factored into New Japan flourishing, despite some big things happening connected to that group. The group as a whole lost what made it interesting, the personality is gone, the substance isn't there anymore. I'll be the first to admit I became one of those fans that bought all the merch, I have more Bullet Club t-shirts then any wrestler/faction then I ever have. I only own four pop figures, all of them are member of The Elite, with Bullet Club logos on them. I still like the group a lot, but this version is not the same, it doesn't feel important anymore and that hurts me. Jay White is amazing, but for whatever reason the fan reach just isn't there anymore. The talent is definitely there, the likes of Jay White, Tama Tonga, KENTA, Taiji Ishimori, and El Phantasmo are really good.
So fast forward, to present day, last week on February 3rd, 2021, the first ever real sign of New Japan and AEW really working together happened, KENTA, a current Bullet Club member, wearing a Bullet Club shirt, showed up on AEW Dynamite, and attacked an AEW wrestler (Jon Moxley). AEW wrestlers have been appearing for New Japan for a little while but never the other way around. It was the biggest thing that happened on that show and it did what it was supposed to do, get people talking. So it presents the question and the title of this article, Does Bullet Club need AEW?
For the entirety of AEW's existence the only thing people have wanted was for the two companies to work together because it meant dream matches, it meant sharing talent and it also meant, more of The Elite being affiliated with Bullet Club. The relevance of the Bullet Club went through the roof in one night just because the "Forbidden Door" was opened. AEW has affiliations with IMPACT, NWA, and now New Japan, and all it does is help wrestling as a whole. Does it mean we get the true feud of The Elite and The Bullet Club? I hope so. Does it mean we could see the likes of Jay White, Guerrilla's of Destiny, and KENTA in AEW having matches with Kenny Omega, Jon Moxley, Cody Rhodes, The Young Bucks, Miro, Darby Allin etc., absolutely. How can that not have you excited for these companies working together.
Of course it could also mean other groups and wrestlers can show up as well like Los Ingobernables De Japon, Will Ospreay, Kazuchika Okada of course, and those will be just as exciting. All of this is very intriguing and can be great for everyone involved, but Bullet Club, who may not be completely irrelevant at the moment is going to get a new breathe of fresh air with all the possibilities down the line, after we aren't living in a pandemic and travel is more open. The one thing I hope happens and should happen is that War Games-esque, Blood and Guts match between the current Bullet Club and The Elite, that has be something in the plans and I hope it happens.
So to answer the question of this article, Does Bullet Club need AEW? Yes more then AEW needs Bullet Club. Bullet Club might become just as if not more relevant then ever because of this affiliation with the two companies. New Japan might even bring back fans it lost because of The Elite not being involved anymore. It's a great time to be a wrestling fan you can watch something different on any show, no matter what you're into, and Bullet Club will be great again, it's only a matter of time, but just to reiterate New Japan Pro Wrestling doesn't need AEW, but New Japan should want AEW, because it will extend the reach of New Japan, more then ever before, and hopefully for Bullet Club fans, it means a return to the glory of the Bullet Club of old, and everyone can be happy because wrestling is good, and we should all just enjoy it.
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