WWE Draft Predictions
So here we are, the WWE Draft is back this Friday, after we had a "Shake Up" earlier this year, then it meaning absolutely nothing with the implementation of the "Wild Card Rule", which was an absolute failure. Now we're in a new era, with NXT being live every Wednesday, and Smackdown moving back to Fridays live on FOX. Things are changing and as much as I'm not a fan of separated brands, and more then one World Champion, its necessary with the excess of talent on all the shows under the WWE umbrella, so I'm going to try and predict the rosters (for the most part). So I'm gonna draft about 15 people to each show, and discuss some people I feel should absolutely go to NXT, now that it is truly considered a third brand and treated as such especially with the recent development of Finn Balor going back. So here we go, this might be really long, and I just wanna go over a little bit, the brand specific champions most likely will not be moving, so The Revival, Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, and Brock Lesnar, will stay on the respective shows those titles belong to.
#1 to Smackdown - Roman Reigns
Pretty self explanatory here, top guy in the company gonna go to the top network, FOX.
#2 to RAW - Daniel Bryan
As much as Bryan prides himself on being the guy that carries the Smackdown brand on his back, it's time for a change for him.
#3 to Smackdown - Bray Wyatt
It seems to me that FOX is very intrigued in having this character on Smackdown and could be good move for them being the most popular thing going in WWE today.
#4 to RAW - New Day
After Kofi lost the WWE Title in the worst way possible (I know what I said) and Xavier and Big E have kind of been put to the side in the Smackdown tag team division, to me it's time for all of them to get a new start on RAW and put this Brock Lesnar bs behind Kofi forever.
#5 to Smackdown - Sasha Banks
With her feud with Becky seemingly behind her now, it's time for Sasha to get some new scenery, and hopefully keep her and Bayley together cause them together as heels is working big time.
#6 to RAW - Braun Strowman
Part of me wanted to put him on Smackdown for the change of scenery but, I don't want him on the same show as Brock anymore, simple as that.
#7 to Smackdown - AJ Styles
AJ belongs on Smackdown, simple as that. Heel or Face, Smackdown is his show now, seeing him on RAW hasn't worked and it just doesn't feel right.
#8 to RAW - Randy Orton
Randy Orton, has been on Smackdown for three years, and I think it's finally time for him to go over to RAW and do something new.
#9 to Smackdown - Bayley
For me, Sasha and Bayley need to be together, I don't see Bayley, going to RAW, and Sasha going to Smackdown, leading to another possible Charlotte vs. Sasha feud. So I don't know where it will go from here, but Sasha and Bayley need to stay together.
#10 to RAW - Asuka & Kairi Sane
Right now as the Women's Tag Team Champions, Asuka & Kairi will be on both shows but when they do lose the titles, they need a change of scenery and it seems theres a feud in the works between Becky and Asuka looming, which should be interesting especially with the new dynamic of Asuka and Kairi being heels.
#11 to Smackdown - Ricochet
I have a feeling FOX saw Ricochet and their eyes widened and there money started printing in there minds. He's an amazing athlete who can do amazing things, but he needs a huge character change, because the smiley "superheroes are real" promos are very corny and not working at all.
#12 to RAW - Kevin Owens
After this whole Shane McMahon thing that is thankfully over, I think it would be too obvious for Owens to just stay on Smackdown, to me putting him on RAW after the fact, and giving him something new to do instead of another feud with the likes of AJ for example, would be good for him to go to RAW.
#13 to Smackdown - The Usos
I think it's finally time for The Usos and Roman Reigns to be on the same show and they should be a group going forward, a dominant group and they don't need to be heels to do that.
#14 to RAW - The Viking Raiders
The Viking Raiders have a RAW tag title shot coming up next Monday, and to me they will probably get drafted to RAW before that championship match and if they win which to me seems very likely, they'll be on RAW anyway. Also I'd like to add, Sarah Logan needs to absolutely be with this group.
#15 to Smackdown - Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio is one of those guys that FOX will absolutely want, and this recent development with Brock Lesnar going on it seems likely he'll end up on Smackdown backing up Cain Velasquez in the build to that match.
#16 to RAW - Shinsuke Nakamura & Sami Zayn
So I'm going to assume Nakamura and Zayn will be a package deal at this point, and With AJ going back to Smackdown with the US Title, Shinsuke and the Intercontinental Title goes to RAW simple as that and it's time for a change of scenery for Shinsuke, and I'd like a long term feud between Shinsuke and Owens, obviously with Sami Zayn involved it would be very interesting.
#17 to Smackdown - Baron Corbin
Corbin has been on RAW for a while, and I simply think it's time for a change for him, simple as that.
#18 to RAW - Rowan & Harper
So for me, I'm still convinced that Bryan will end up in a group with these two, and I don't know if that will happen down the line or soon, but that's why I put them on the same show as Bryan other wise I'd probably keep these guys on Smackdown.
#19 to Smackdown - Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross
For now these two are still a team, and they're faces to boot which is very odd for Alexa especially, but their dynamic as a team has worked and I like it. and it's time for them to have a change here.
#20 to RAW - Ember Moon
With Smackdown's women's division pretty stacked at this point, RAW needs names, Ember Moon is good, very good in fact and she'd be a good name to have in that case, and with more women that will be going to Smackdown because of relationships they are in for real, RAW needs to start building up more women not being used.
#21 to Smackdown - Ali
I think we're gonna see a lot of former cruiserweight talent on Smackdown because of the the athleticism that comes along with the more sports and less entertainment edict that FOX has put in place, I'm sure their will be a lot of "entertainment" too but we'll see where everything goes.
#22 to RAW - Andrade & Zelina Vega
This one seems very likely considering how Aleister will most likely go to RAW and Zelina is his wife for real, Andrade and Aleister are basically bound together by that fact, and I think it would be fine to move these two over to RAW and get Andrade TV time and some legitimate feuds going forward. I know I said a lot of the Women would be switching shows based on their relationships, but I don't know if Charlotte will be losing her title before the draft to be on the same show as Andrade so that might be the one relationship affected here.
#23 to Smackdown - Cedric Alexander
Cedric needs a change of scenery, and I think it's time for him to go over to Smackdown and finally get a shot, simple as that.
#24 to RAW - AOP
Just think about this, AOP vs. The Viking Raiders. That is money right there. That's a feud that will happen and needs to happen to help bring up this tag divison and I can't wait to see it.
#25 to Smackdown - The OC
I never want AJ away from Gallows and Anderson ever again, they stay relevant because of AJ, because that's the only way Vince knows how to use them.
#26 to RAW - Samoa Joe
I think I'd prefer if Samoa Joe stayed away from the likes of Roman and AJ. Joe needs something new, and I'd love a feud between him and Bryan in WWE.
#27 to Smackdown - Carmella
Carmella will most likely remain on Smackdown, because Corey Graves is on Smackdown, she's been great in her role with R-Truth, and she's improved a lot in the ring, so I'd like to see her have like a legit feud with the likes of Bayley and/or Sasha for example.
#28 to RAW - Buddy Murphy
Buddy Murphy is an amazing talent, he has it all, and deserves to be used consistently, and that will happen on RAW, because he's a Paul Heyman guy just like Aleister Black, and Heyman will make him into a star and he could easily carry the mid-card and have great matches, as evident by his recent match with Bryan which he won, and got nothing out of it.
#29 to Smackdown - Apollo Crews
Apollo Crews needs a character change, similar to Ricochet he's very, very good, and his smiley demeanor at all times is not working, this isn't my idea but I think it works perfectly for Apollo he should be a character similar to Sammy Guevara who tries to act nice but in reality he's a dick to everyone, being sarcastic and coming off as cocky even tho he's trying to be nice kind of deal, that would be perfect for Apollo.
#30 to RAW - Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville
With all the women superstars I drafted to Smackdown, and I mentioned earlier RAW needs to build up more Women, and these two are the perfect example, they are both very good and need to be used more, and I think Many and Sonya can both have great singles feuds with Becky if done correctly.
So that's it for the drafting for me, obviously the draft will be much longer with how big the roster is but I just couldn't see myself drafting the entire roster, cause that's over 80+ people, so I'm gonna close that out here.
So now I want to talk about some people that absolutely need to go to NXT. NXT is considered the third brand now, and can help people grow as well as taking people from the main roster, and bring new life to their career. We've seen it already, with Breezango, and Killain Dain, and now Finn Balor is back for the time being. So for me Cesaro and EC3, absolutely need to go back to NXT. These two have been wasted for YEARS. EC3 was in TNA and he became a star, the problem he was in TNA. Cesaro has been so good for so long and for whatever reason has gotten nothing on the main roster. These two belong in NXT, especially EC3 who never should have left NXT at all. I hope they both get back to the Yellow brand and they become the stars they deserve to be.
Alright so that's it for me, I'm excited to see where everyone in the draft goes and I hope at least some of my picks are correct, we'll all see what happens this Friday and next Monday, and where everyone goes, even though that won't matter until after the next Crown Jewel event that will have people from different brands teaming together, for this very stupid Team Hogan vs. Team Flair match, that will probably have absolutely no stakes. It's all a wait and see, but it should all be very exciting.
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